Struggling with confidence? So did I.
In fact, I was so socially anxious that I had to ask a friend to order for me in a restaurant, because I was too afraid of “saying something stupid and embarrassing myself”
Now I’m a global manager, I do stand-up comedy and speak on International stages across the world from New York to Amsterdam. I’m able to walk to a meeting with a confidence, present front of senior management with a smile and finally have amazing friends around the world.
I also was just named as one of the top 10 women making biggest impact in tech in 2019!
See, no one is actually born confident. Confidence is built step by step by taking small little actions every day.
And if I could, so can you!

I’d like to offer you for FREE my e-book with 5 carefully selected stories with practical advice and exercises to:
- give you clarity
- help you build up your confidence at work step by step
- give you courage to walk to a meeting or presentation with a smile
After reading this e-book you will know:
- How journaling can help you to find the REAL reason why you’re not feeling confident
It’s not enough to feel the pain. You need to figure out first what the problem is so you can find a solution that works for YOU. This section will help you to do this.
- How to share your achievements without sounding pretentious
Extraverts don’t get accolades and promotions only because they’re loud. They’re good making people aware of their achievements. This section will help you to find practical ways to show your expertise in your own, personal way.
- How to avoid awkward silences in social situations
If networking makes you nervous, remember that people love talking about themselves. This section helps you to avoid awkward silence by preparing yourself for social situations.
- How to appear more confident during presentations
Most of the people don’t realise that we screwed up, unless we ourselves point it out. This section helps you find ways to be more confident during presentations
- How to be valuable in meetings
If you don’t contribute in meetings, you won’t get invited back. This section helps you to stand out from the rest by doing what most of the people don’t.
And an EXTRA tip, which is probably the most important of them all.
All the stories, advice and exercises on this e-book are carefully selected for you so you can start building up your confidence at work step by step.
This is not a magic trick that changes your life over-night, but you will start seeing the impact in maximum of 30 days. Little things do add up, believe me.